Thursday 12 January 2012

Walking through the streets of Copenhagen

There is no other town like Copenhagen: it is a capital, yet rather small (population is 500,000) with unique, scandinavian architecture, tiny brick streets and harbours. It would not feel like a capital even on the busiest day during rush hour, with many bikes cycling by, cars driving quietly, and people walking around. It is the feeling of peace that I find most attractive, the pace of life that people seem to share here. But you should not think that it lacks that noise and fun that we all find so important for city survival - what makes it into a vibrant town is a wide variety of cultural events, from art exhibitions to famous jazz festivals, attracting more and more international guests from all around the world.

The way I like to explore cities, is simply by wandering around streets, getting lost at times, watch people pass by, see life around me as to understand and see deeper into Danish life and culture. It is impossible not to notice bicycles with little trolleys attached in from of them, with a kid, or a couple of them, proudly looking out of them. For a Londoner this might seem shocking at first, but the next day it seems absolutely normal. Cycling culture is very well developed in Copenhagen, where many use bikes as main type of transport. In 2010, 35% of all trips to work or school in Copenhagen were made by bike; for Copenhagen residents, the figure is 50%. 
In Copenhagen, contemporary constructions blend in beautifully with historical buildings and palaces. The cityscape in the centre is dominated by 4-6 storey low-rises rather than the typical glass and steel high-rises found in other capitals.Along the waterfronts and in the district of Ørestad, you will find the results of modern urban planning, such as Mountain Dwellings (VM Bjerget) where the roof of one flat is the garden of another flat.

Hense we see that Copenhagen is a small city where you find a combination of both worlds: it can be looked at as big city with its rich and ever-growing cultural life, and as a small town with its little streets and compact architecture. In my future posts I will cover some of exhibitions and walks in more detail and present you with my personal impressions. Upon them you can construct your own opinion of this beautiful city.

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